Trust Services

People You Can Trust

Our Trust Department is prepared to assist your family with the numerous fiduciary tasks arising from serving as trustee of your trust. These tasks include management of your trust assets, communicating with trust grantors and beneficiaries and often serving as an intermediary between you and other professionals. Fulfilling the role of trustee requires extensive knowledge of fiduciary law, investments and estate/income taxation. 

Investment Agency Accounts

Accounts designed for investors wanting to acquire the services of a professional money manager and establish a portfolio of investments. Through an agency account, the primary investments we utilize are individual stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. 

Estate Planning

We will help you control how things are given to the people or organizations you care the most about. Having a plan will help to ensure your wishes are carried out.

Estate Administration

West Pointe Bank will manage an estate upon the customer's death and oversee it until the closing and distribution. 

*Non-deposit investments purchased for customers are not FDIC insured, are not deposits or other obligations of the bank, and are not guaranteed by any bank. Such investments are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of principal invested.

Not FDIC Insured-Investments in mutual funds, stocks, bonds, annuities and Treasury securities or other investment products, whether purchased through a bank or a broker/dealer.